gradually moved from manufacture of traditional Jute products like Hessian, Sacking etc.
towards more value-added non-traditional Jute Products like Jute Yarn, Blended yarn made
of Jute blended with other natural and man-made fibres like Cotton, Ramie, Viscose,
Poly Propelene, Flax, Wool etc. Special Food Grade Jute Bags, Jute blended carpets,
Fabrics for soft luggages / shoe uppers / wearing apparels for export markets.
AICILs marketing
strategy has been to identify special application area which it may be in a position to
cater and focus on them. AICIL has thus developed niche market for itself through this
- AICIL is a well established
manufacturer-exporter of value-added Jute products enjoying high reputation in the
international market for its highest standard of quality.
As an effort to
market its products effectively & competitively AICIL has established the self delivery
facilities in the U.K after approvals from the Government of India and Reserve bank of
AICILs firm
belief in maintaining timely deliveries & excellence in quality of its products and
services has made it possible to achieve continuous growth in Exports and ISO
9001:2000 recognition. With one of its units having obtained ISO 14000 recognition (First and only Jute unit to obtain such recognition)
The Companys
effort in the export excellence has been well recognized by the Government of India also
by way of conferring on the Company the TOP MANUFACTURER-EXPORTER AWARD since
its inception by the Govt. of